Redmi 5A TWRP And Flash rom EU remove micloud no need unlock boot
Step 1
flash TWRP
1: Flash Firmware
2 : Download And Extract (TWRP-No-Ubl-Redmi 5A.rar) Boot phone to EDL (9008) edit Com port = 8 or flash command ( Com# 8 = comxx)
3 : open command and run the following commands one by one
- QSaharaServer.exe -p \\.\COM8 -s 13:prog_emmc_firehose_8917_ddr.mbn -b tmp\
- fh_loader.exe --search_path=tmp --port=\\.\COM8 --sendxml=twrp.xml
4: If the above command returns DONE then reboot to recovery. volum up and power.
Step 2 Flash rom EU
1 : Boot TWRP and fomat data
2 : Download file ( and EU firmware copy to device memory or sdcard.
3 : Flash file and Reboot recovery, Flash rom EUand flash again
4 : wipe data-cache reboot.. done
Link File EU