MTK auth Bypass V22
Read eMMC Dump in META MODE
- dump MTK eMMC userpart - mmcblk0 in META Mode.
- dump MTK UFS SDC in META Mode (sda - sdb - sdaxx)-
possible to backup but not implanted yet in my SW.
- voulmes/blocks will be copied directly from
- dev/block/mmcblk0.
- dev/block/sdc.
Note : in meta mode all voulmes will mounted as defualt in normal boot as
- Android Linux kernel.
so you can copy what ever you want voulme/file/block.
for example you can copy :
meansits similar to adb shell ls in root mode.
this maybe will be helpful for devices which not allow to enter BRom mode
and FAT/MODEM driver is much faster to copy blocks from device.
+ i hope Mediatek pacth this ASAP.
- MTKAuthBypassToolV22.rar / Google Drive / AFH / Terabox ( Password: gsmVNtool )