

MTK META Utility V44

MTK META Utility Update V44

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- Regarding Samsung MTK force BootROM without TP, now the device will boot to system normally without flashing.

- No need to flash any file via ODIN after exit bootrom just rebuild PMT using the saved PIT file.

- Rebuild PMT only needed for UFS based devices, for eMMC devices exit brom option is enough.

- Tested on A32 5G (A326U - A326B > BIT3 to BIT7) & A12 U2 - U3.

A136U - A226B - A225M - A41.

- Now the software saves operations logs into the program directory for reports and Development support.

* Please don't try this method with :

- KG Locked devices.

- Devices with Sec Ctrl Status 0.

- Tracfone devices.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied


In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages

arising from the use of this software. USE it at your own risk.


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