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Changelog V61:
MTK META UTILITY V61 Mediatek AUTH Bypass Tool
- Added LG DKZ directly (Extract/Decrypt) to raw images.
- Supported KDZ formats and types:
- LGE KDZ v1 - v2 - v3 (MediaTek & Qualcomm).
- Standard compressed Z-Library (zlib).
- Z-Standard compression (zstd) fast lossless compression algorithm (other tools don't handle this type of compression very well).
- Extraction will now be standard raw image,
scattered and file (merge/combination) sparse creation (system/vendor/product/super),
some pieces, will be added in version.
- However, you can still do it manually,
Convert pgpt. I will deploy and add items to the scattered file &
Extract the IMG preloader from the extracted raw preloader &
and use ext4_tools to (merge/merge) the extra chunks.
Some of the files tested:
- LG K51 (K500MM10f_00_MPS_US_OP_0610.kdz)
- LG K61 (Q630HA20a_00_OP_SCA_OP_1229 kdz)
- LG Pen 6 (Q730MM10l_00_MPS_US_OP_0908.kdz)
-Added (Extract/Split) IMG preloader from BOOT_REGION and converted to flash-able preloader,
eMMC & UFS Preloader supported types (EMMC_BOOT & UFS_BOOT, COMBO_BOOT)
- Tell me any (low level) tasks that will help if we add in future versions, we welcome any (requests & recommendations) about hardware package extraction, you have any kind of file formats that have been developed and use d hp service only, let's know.
- SoftwareGUI Boost & fix compatible with almost all screens
- Developers can request source code (QT/C++) for extraction algorithm.
- This software is provided 'as is', without express or implied warranties.
The author will not be responsible for any damage arising from the use of this software, and it can only be used for legal services and mobile phone maintenance, and may not be used for illegal purposes.
- MTK META Utility V61.rar / Google Drive / Backup Link