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MTK META Utility V65

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MTK META Utility V65 :

Most requested feature for Windows :

since windows is missing Ext4 FS driver, and only support mount as Read-only FS for Ext4 partitions.

Here, Ext4 File system explorer (Read/Write/Delete) access with SUPER IMG (META-Data) support :


* Supported features :

✔️ List Ext4 directories (sub-partitions).

✔️ Preview Ext4 file content.

✔️ Read Ext4 File content into local file.

✔️ Write/Replace File content from local file.

✔️ Delete sub Ext4 file completely (safe).

✔️ Example Ext4 partitions which could be directly modified (super, system, vendor, product, protect partitions, opporeserve2, EFS, SEC_EFS, NV-DATA)

✔️ You can modify protect partitions to legally disable carrier network lock.

✔️ You can modify (build.prop) content to set virtual properties from your choice such as (Android versions, build number, etc.).

✔️ You can disable some system apps (Apks) to temporary disable (KG/Screen) locks.

✔️ For sparse images (compressed) only supported (ls) operation, you can convert to non-sparse images using (simg2img) binary, then reload with the explorer.

✔️ The Explorer for now is BETA based on lwext4 engine, we’ll improve in the upcoming versions and we will add new features such as (rename, etc.).

✔️ The software doesn't support auto backup before modifying the file, so please make a backup from the original file before (Replace/Delete) any content.

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